In Touch With God #Day 45


Bible Read2 Timothy 3:1-5

…Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away…

The epistles of the New Testament together create an elaborate warning to believers. These letters invariably provided warning both to early and present Christians. Juxtaposing them today on this premise reveals a clear warning to the Church– one against wolves. The biblical context of wolves speaks of workers of iniquity that lead the flock astray. This is because like Jesus said, they come arrayed in sheep skin. (See Matthew 10:16)

Not different from the message of Jesus, today’s verse tells us that such will have the appearance of godliness. However, Paul tells Timothy that they would not possess the power of godliness. Every child of God must be fully aware of this and take heed. The power of our faith is in our faith and not in the form. It is hypocrisy to have the form and not have the power thereof; and only those who are transformed that can have the true form, being fashioned in the image of Christ.

It is time to examine ourselves in the Lord and judge our company by the word of the Lord. Jesus assures as that he is coming for his sheep and not any other. In the warning of today’s verse, we are admonished to turn from such. These are infidels and infidels will they make out of others.

Prayer: Ask the Lord for wisdom to deal with the deception that may encompass your life and journey. Ask for guidance to deal with any masked wolve.

Further Reading: Jude vs 4-4, 1 John 4:1-5, Luke 10:3

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